Dawn of the final week

Greetings, ye Knights, Maidens and Lieges!

And welcome back to yet another Devlog.

As you also might have noticed, our Itch page has changed a lot! 

This was all done by our artist Jens!
Expect some more changes soon as we get closer to the release of the game.

Yet again, here's an update on the level!
There are some new spikes now, together with some updates to the wooden walls!

Also can't forget about the flags!

For now , they're just 1 colour, but hopefully by the end of this sprint, it'll change colour depending on who wins!

Sometimes, when we want to implement things, they go a bit wrong at first.
Here's a gif of how well our grab feature is going:

Our other programmer is implementing different game rounds, which requires a lot of small changes all over the place.
At the current stage the different game rounds work, but they do not tie in well with the overall game loop yet.

Talking about the game loop, we finally have one!
It will not be in the build yet, because we want this massive of a change to be done well!

As a final thing, we also have a scoreboard.
The visuals are still a work in progress, but they will be polished up before the release of the game!

Have fun tossing each other into spikes and Stay tuned for next week!


MedievalMadness-v0.5.zip 31 MB
May 09, 2023

Get Medieval Madness

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